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Way of the Wealthy: In the Footsteps of the Masters

This book is about wealth and how to create it. If you sincerely follow these principles, your life is about to change.

You may have heard that before and been disappointed, because there are vast numbers of teachers and books on wealth creation making the same claims that exercise products do – that is, the results will be effortless, immediate, and you won’t have to change or work or even think very much to get them. We all know that’s nonsense, playing on our hopes and fears, but it just seems so irresistible. So we try, but the books end up on the shelf and the magical exercise machine gathers dust in the garage, and all that changes is our courage, and our belief that we deserve more. So what makes this book any different?

Three things. First of all, we knew that if it was just another dense mass of financial charts, invest- ment projections, and other incomprehensible data, those who need it wouldn’t read it, and those who knew it wouldn’t need it. If it isn’t clear, people won’t do it, and neither would we. So we didn’t write that book. Secondly, we appreciate that the single most important factor in any real and lasting transformation is… you. If you don’t change, all the knowledge in the world won’t change your life, so we address both; not only the practical steps that will increase your wealth no matter what level you’re at now, but also principles and exercises that will have a profound effect on who you are and what you feel you deserve from the world – the doing and the being.

This is not a book you read, but a book you live. Finally, this knowledge does not come from us alone. It is the result of over 70 combined years of diligent research and personal experience, with the guidance of all the inspired masters of the past and present we have been privileged to learn from, meet, or work with. This wisdom has stood the test of time, has proven its value, and it is deeply satisfying to help others gain quickly what took us so long to learn. Albert Einstein said, “If I see far, it is because I stand upon the shoulders of giants,” and so do we.

March 2025