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Touching the Wire

Auschwitz May 1944, and a transport of Hungarian Jews has arrived. Children, the elderly, and the infirm will be taken straight to the gas chambers. The young who can be put to work will survive for a while. It is typical of the capricious Nazi mentality that there are hospitals in a death camp, but not all camp doctors are evil, and one is determined to save his patients from the gas chambers even at the risk of his own life. With the help of Miriam, a Jewish nurse, Chuck is forced to make terrible life or death decisions he must live with for the rest of his life. Seventy years later, his granddaughter determines to uncover the secrets her grandfather has hidden.
“A young mother steps down from a cattle wagon as Chuck, a doctor, steps forward to intercept her. ‘Say you are well. Say you can work and are not pregnant. Give the baby to your grandmother, and tell her she must stand to the left. with the children. You must stand to the right.’
‘My grandmother isn’t well. I’m a nurse. I can look after her and little Mary.’
A guard strode past. ‘Together afterwards.’
He nodded, compounding the conspiracy of silence. ‘Together afterwards.’
The old lady held out her arms for the baby. ‘Go Miriam. God be with you.’
He had no way to tell her he’d saved her life: no right to tell her to abandon hope.”

March 2025