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the river

“… very unlikely and magnificent achievement demonstrates the power of one young man’s will.” – Joe Falcone

“I literally laughed and cried. Thank you for writing this book.” – Amy Corbecky

“… I am a foster child and I want to go back to the city again because I have six brothers and sisters that I don’t live with anymore. I’m dirty and filthy and stupid and people want to break my neck. I don’t deserve to be near other normal kids. I should listen to the teacher more but I don’t care anyway because she only wants to get money and then go home. I will punch anyone in the face if you even think about bothering me and I mean it!!”

The impact of alcoholism on a New York family is described through the eyes of a young boy. The boy’s journey through a series of traumatic experiences, family shelters, and foster homes illustrates the insidious mechanism of addiction and how it propagates from one generation to the next. His struggle to survive is a story of brokenness, heartache, and hope.

About the Author:
Kevin Weadock is a scientist, biomedical engineer, patent agent, and inventor. He is the proud father of Kevin, Morgan, and Emily Weadock and lives with his wife Patty in New Jersey. He hopes that other people will benefit from reading his memoir.

January 2025