2 zombies are eating a stand up comic…
One says to the other, ‘Does this taste funny to you’?
2 zombies walk into a bar. The first one says, ‘Grr grumble grr grr”.
The second one says, “Shut up, Bob, yer drunk”.
How many zombies does it take to change a lightbulb?
All it takes is one bite.
My name is Jojo Strange, stand up comic, juggler, magician and shifty no-good lay about.
If you are reading this, I must be dead…
Or I lost the damn thing along the way. Either way, this notebook contains important info you are gonna need to survive the Zombie Apocalypse AKA The Zombilypse. These undead humans out there, they want to eat you… And I don’t mean that in a good way. I mean, they want to eat you. As in, Happy Thanksgiving, you’re the turkey, pass the entrails. I’ve been keeping track of my theories about them in here. My thoughts about their weaknesses and strengths. How their thought process works. You are in a very dangerous situation. If you get bit, you’ll become one of them. Avoid contact at all costs. But, remember, they ain’t your worst enemy. You can’t trust some humans either. Believe you me, I know…
The Zombies are a new thing, But evil has been around forever.