You are not broken, weak or faulty because you binge on food. You are normal and more importantly you can fully recover.
Let me explain… powerful binge cravings are a natural and normal side effect of food restriction. If you have ever restricted your food intake in your past (e.g. a diet, a detox program, cutting out carbs, etc) then you may have triggered a primitive natural survival mechanism we call “primal hunger”. This leads to powerful binge urges, an insatiable appetite, food obsession, depression and anxiety. Your body thinks you are in the middle of a famine and it is doing everything it can to make you eat lots of food. By purging your food, you remain malnourished and your body is stuck in “primal hunger” mode.
Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with your upbringing, personality or emotional state. This may come as a surprise but studies show us that many of the symptoms that might have been thought to be specific to bulimia nervosa are actually the results of starvation (Pirke & Ploog, 1987). Chances are, you are perfectly normal and are just experiencing the natural and very normal side effects of a restrictive diet.
To recover, you need to remove the “primal hunger” state, you need to teach your body that the famine is over. We give you clear, practical steps to remove your primal hunger, stop bingeing and purging, relearn normal eating and overcome bulimia for life.
This bulimia self help program will help you:
– Make sense of your bulimia nervosa, (because believe it or not, bulimia nervosa doesn’t have to be confusing!)
– Recover at a pace that suits you by following our step by step guide to recovery.
– Eliminate binge urges and cravings for life by restoring your body’s own natural food regulation system.
– Establish a pattern of regular meals and snacks while learning strategies to curb urges to overeat.
– Get back in touch with subtle feelings of hunger and satiety which guide you to relearn what, when and how much you should eat.
– Stop binge eating and overeating.
– Boost your self-esteem and general well-being.
– Effectively deal with relapses and setbacks.
– Have a normal, peaceful and natural relationship with food even if you never remember a time when eating has been this way.
– Recover without your weight spiraling out of control
– Maintain a healthy weight for life, without ever having to diet or watch what you eat again.