“The Black Chip” is an exciting techno-medical thriller set in Dallas, Texas at the turn of the 21st century. Two Dallas physicians, Stuart Young and Mitch Mitchell, are mystified by the deaths of three of their perfectly healthy patients.
They team up with Dr. G.P. Hawkins, Dallas County Deputy Medical Examiner, to try to solve the mystery. They unearth a sinister plot to kill healthy young individuals via satellite signal using a microchip implanted in the victim’s scalp in order to sell their organs on the black market. The scheme involves a prominent heart transplant surgeon, a Governor and an aerospace satellite engineer.
The story takes a dark turn when Dr. Young’s fiancée is targeted as one of the victims. They find themselves in a terrifying sprint to save Dr. Young’s fiancée and stop a black market operation, a chase filled with danger and unexpected twists and turns.