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The Alchemy of Miracles

“The Alchemy of Miracles is a unique blend the most powerful Law of Attraction money secrets, energetic mastery, money mindset and a touch of something ‘sacred’. If you want to learn to manifest money, love or anything your heart desires, this book is for you.”

Truth is, you are an incredible being with magnificent power… the power to spark ether to form with your very breath… the power to manifest miracles with your thoughts… the power to speak things into existence with your word… and this book was created to remind you of that power.

The Alchemy of Miracles isn’t an ordinary book. It’s an experience. Each chapter, guided meditation, manifestation ritual, prayer and journaling exercise in this book is designed to take you deeper into the process of manifestation so that you can manifest your BIG beautiful vision and experience the richness of abundance in every aspect of your life.

In the Alchemy of Miracles, you’ll discover:
– The basics of Manifestation and what it takes to manifest anything from more money to a loving relationship.
– How to shift your money mindset by clearing the negative thoughts and energy surrounding your ability to manifest money.
– Law of Attraction Money secrets that will accelerate the rate that you manifest money.
– How to expand your intuition so that you can expand your capacity to receive.
– The manifestation rituals that have helped thousands of people all over the world to shift their energy and begin manifesting money, success, joy and love with ease.
– A variety of manifestation techniques from rewiring your money mindset and subconscious thoughts to manifesting with the moon and crystal energy.

The best part is, when you purchase The Alchemy of Miracles (print or kindle version!) you’ll gain access to a vault of digital downloads to help you manifest money, love, health, happiness or anything you choose.

These downloads include:
– Guided Meditations
– Money attraction Checks for manifesting money
– Pendulum Mat and Answer Key for intuition exercises
– Moon Phase Reference Poster
– Crystal Reference Poster
– 6 Full Color Crystal Grid Templates

Ready to master the best Law of Attraction money secrets to begin manifesting money and create a life you’re ecstatic to live?

Let’s do this!

January 2025