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Sergeant to CEO

Sergeant to CEO is a biographical account of Sean P Jensen, a former active duty Marine Sergeant who transitioned into a successful entrepreneur and CEO, Starting from his abandonment into foster care. It details his trials and tribulations searching for himself and his purpose in life.

He shares details on how the Marine Corps changed him and how he learned to plot a course for success through his life experience. This book details how difficult it was to transition from the military to civilian life. In the author’s words “This book is about perseverance and how I adapted to overcome my challenges in life, business and family”.

Armed with a High School Education and his military experience; the authors account shows readers anything is possible if you focus and reach for your goals. For him it was the founding of Polu Kai Services.LLC in 2002, a construction and environmental services company that he grew from an initial investment of $1,600 to an Inc. 500 competitor that handles millions of dollars of government contracts. His company has grossed over 170M since its founding. Though Polu Kai Services, LLC endured trouble that seemed terminal several times, learn how Sean leveraged his military training and life lessons to navigate his fledgling company through those rough storms and into clearer seas.

September 2024