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Auryn Hadley’s sixth action-adventure in The Rise of the Iliri fantasy series asks how far mankind will go to protect their pride. Because it seems they’ll guard it at the expense of all else. Reminiscent of a futuristic Lord of the Rings, this epic fantasy romance traces not only the personal journey of its heroine and her family—a reverse harem made up of nine indomitable warriors who comprise an elite military force called the Black Blades—but also the liberation of a people and a new way of thinking for the whole world. For the source of iliri power is not domination, but connection. They seek it, cultivate it, and use it to defeat their enemies.

It’s the iliri—now a rising, formidable race of underdogs—who must decide whether to risk their lives for the ungracious human race. Unbeknownst to humans, their fate lies in the capable hands of the iliri leader, the powerful Salryc Luxx. And she’s no longer willing to be yanked around at any price.

Sal and the Black Blades have been summoned to a meeting with Parliament representatives of the Conglomerate of Free Citizens. But this time, she’s not serving as their slave. Nor is she about to be captured and brought to trial again. Now the ruler of all iliri in her adopted country of Anglia—and de facto queen— she knows she has the upper hand.

The enemy Terrans have besieged Eastward, engaging in brutal guerrilla tactics throughout the country—hitting without mercy and killing all in their path. The world of humans is desperate.

“Tell me why I should send my brothers and sisters to die for humans that care so little for us?” Sal asks. The answer she’s searching for comes from a frail iliri servant, whose telltale snow-colored skin is almost as light as Sal’s: If she leaves the humans to die by the Terrans, war and enslavement will continue. History will repeat itself. But if it’s the iliri and their allies who manage to defeat evil, perhaps humans can learn to respect them.

She knows she isn’t finished fighting. Iliri warriors haven’t yet “done enough.” Not while so many of their brothers are still enslaved.

Alongside her faithful friends and leaders–and the tireless Black Blades—Sal must choose whether to surrender to her role as their leader and contend with The Emperor’s murderous army—as well as the treacherous pride of the human race.

As always, women readers will thrill to the reverse harem idea that pushes the boundaries of epic fantasy in this breathtaking series that may remind some of Avatar without the scary beasts; or even Game Of Thrones, but happier, with more color—plus a dazzling female protagonist and plenty of action. Fans of Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern will find Sal’s planet Ogun a thrilling destination for their next fantasy fix.

Like all the books on this series, Resilience is a complete novel, not a cliffhanger. And because the illiri have insatiable and exotic sexual instincts, the smoking hot sex may make it unsuitable for humans under 18.

March 2025