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Plain Jane

Jane was the fifth of five girls in the Grunewald family, but treated as if she did not exist until she started to change from a girl into a young woman. From then on, she did everything she could to avoid her father’s notice. He started grudgingly to put her in situations to marry her off to increasingly repulsive individuals. Jane acquired a job at a wealthy home requiring her to live at the Belington Manor.

Still, at her sister’s encouragement, her father pushed increasingly more foul men in her direction. Jane escaped for a short time by taking a position working in the winter gardens of another property owned by Mr. Belington, one that was 200 miles away. While away, Jane discovered that she was missing out on a personal relationship with God. When she learned of his desire to know her and to be known by her, her life went into a different direction.

Jane began to change, but her father did not. When she returned, he arranged for her to marry. Jane was now committed to honor her father, but the man he chose was worse than unacceptable, and still, she was determined to honor her father. Learning that the three boys the man had, were no longer children, and in fact, promising to be as husbands to her also, she struggled with her newfound faith.

Taking everything she owned, wrapped in a sheet, she determined to run for her life and ran right into Mr. Belington himself.

From then on, she feared for her life.

October 2024