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One Freeman’s War

Amazing true story about American heroes who relied on faith, truth and law to challenge tyranny at every level! (Adventure, Philosophy)

A testimony of faith from ordinary citizens who stood on their beliefs and had corrupt tyrants running scared!

With a background in International Business, Rex Freeman was recruited heavily by the C.I.A. to do work overseas under private cover. He endured a gruelling screening process which spanned nearly 8 months. When he was finally invited to the Langley headquarters to make the final step, he declined the offer. Being a man of strong principles he knew wouldn’t fit in any situation in which he’d have to sell his soul for black ops.

It wasn’t long before he had a run in with the I.R.S. which didn’t suit him much. He uncovered fraud in the process and this led him to start studying the law. The more he studied, the more fraud, deception and misapplication of the law he uncovered and it wasn’t long before he became a citizen advocate for civil rights and lawful government. Instead of working ‘for’ the government as he nearly did, he was now attacking it head on and trying to put overzealous tyrants back in their proper place as servants to their masters, the people.

Rex became very public with weekly seminars and public training exposing the corruption and then offering solutions on what people can do about it to protect themselves and hold tyrants accountable. This led to a radio show and that ‘did it’. He became a threat to ‘business as usual’ by the ‘status quo’. The game was on and he became a target for persecution. The more government tried to silence him, the more he discovered through his networks and contacts and he became even more effective in countering the their attacks and suppression tactics. They threw him in jail, and he broadcast his radio show from the phone in his cell pod interviewing the inmates about abuses they had suffered. They couldn’t silence him. He wouldn’t back down. The more they threatened him, the more he pushed back and exposed their iniquity for all to see.

March 2025