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My Sister’s Murderer

A gripping romantic mystery with explosive twists and dark secrets…

From the moment she was born, I wanted my sister dead.

She stole my childhood. The news of her mother’s pregnancy destroyed my family. My mother drove to her death because of her. My father distanced himself from me. I grew up under the tyranny of her mother.

Now my sister is dead. Barely nineteen.

She killed herself, they say. Slashed her wrist. Bled to death. Just two months into her new life as a college student in Boulder, Colorado.

She didn’t do it.
 She couldn’t have done it to us.
 Someone else ended her life. And, I will find out who.

I’ll move to Boulder, start a new life, follow in her footsteps, and track down her murderer.

I was never a sister to her. I abandoned her before she was even born. I declared her an enemy, while she was a dream of a sister.

It took her death for me to see my mistake.

Finding her murderer is possibly the one way I can apologize to her. The only way I can finally show my love for her.

Before I can even make it to Boulder, I meet a gorgeous stranger who knew my sister. He keeps showing up in my life again and again.

My heart gives in and I fall hard for him. Still, in my head, I can’t help but wonder…

Is he the one who killed my sister?

March 2025