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Marching to My Own Drumbeat

Book Blurb:
Marching to My Own Drumbeat is a remarkable and wonderfully-crafted memoir of Sydney Marcia Rice. From magical tales of her childhood, then to being in the Peace Corps and teaching in foreign lands, and to getting strange requests from clients as a renowned plant doctor in New York, Sydney has managed to weave delightful seventeen short stories for all ages.

Filled with stunning illustrations and humor to match each chapter, the readers get a closer look into Sydney’s deliciously intelligent mind.
A heartwarming tale of her life experiences, each short story is unforgettable and showcases one’s resiliency through wit and a bright outlook in life. A gifted storyteller documenting her blissful and raw memories despite Alzheimer’s, Sydney remains a vibrant spirit, and it inevitably shines throughout the book.

About the Author:
Sydney Marcia Rice started writing several years after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. At 73, she struggled to start, mainly due to the multiple challenges brought by dementia and other physical complications. Nevertheless, Sydney strived to surpass these limits and eventually, the book became her inspiration and anchor. She aims to inspire others in a similar situation and those who cannot find light in their lives.

Sydney holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Studies. She also taught English as a foreign language during her time in the Peace Corps and is a famed horticulturist. She has traveled globally and loved diversity and learning about foreign cultures.

September 2024