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Love in The Ring

Natalya Hicks is a 21 year old St. Louis native. Growing up she didn’t have a model life. Her father was absent and her young mother was barely there. However, despite her upbringing she was determined to rise above all obstacles and make something out of herself. Talya is in her last semester of college, and soon on her way to becoming a teacher. With all that going on, her focus is nowhere near a relationship. In her opinion all the guys from around her way are too full of games to garner her attention. Instead of getting caught up Talya tells herself that she will just wait until the perfect guy comes along. Little did she know that time would come a lot sooner than expected when her best friend Saadiq starts to express interest. This could be the perfect beginning to something beautiful right? It could be, except Natalya and Saadiq quickly realizes that things don’t always turn out as they want them to. Could these two best friends have their happily ever after, or will circumstances keep them apart?

All Saadiq Kamen wanted to do was become a professional boxer, and look out for those around him. When a chance in a lifetime opportunity is presented he quickly accepts the offer. Unfortunately before Saadiq can actually settle into his new lifestyle, a fatal tragedy occurs that throws everything off track. Saadiq’s back is now against the wall, and everything that he has worked so hard for in both his professional and personal life are at stake.

This is a tale of love, lies, deceit, and betrayal. Dive in to find out how everything will unfold.

September 2024