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France, 1942

Having suffered a devastating blow from the Gestapo, Etienne Delattre’s Resistance cell is slowly recovering its strength.

Giselle Legrand travels to Lyon to work in its infamous Montluc prison under her third alias, helping the Resistance in organizing prisoners’ escapes.

Marcel joins forces with Philippe as the two follow the line of the Comintern in sabotaging German munitions factories.

Kamille volunteers to work in the German Red Cross in order to find her missing husband, Jochen, and soon finds herself involved not only with French but with German Resistance as well.

The tide of the war is slowly turning and so does the mood in France, changing from a passive resistance to an open sabotage.

As German forces occupy the former Free Zone in response to Allied landings in North Africa, the Resistance leaders must work fast to unite their forces against the common enemy. But together with the army, SS-Obersturmführer Klaus Barbie arrives in Lyon, and soon the capital of the French Resistance will turn into the Gestapo capital, where terror and intimidation have free reign, and former loyal comrades turn on their fellow résistants to save their own lives.

With maquis on the rise, with pro-German milice assisting the Gestapo with its policy of terrorizing the French population, with the promise of the Allied landings on the North, they will have to outsmart the enemy that will fight to the bitter end. Liberation is nearing, but the time is against them.

October 2024