If you long to walk arm and arm with God. If you seek freedom from the fires of bipolar…
If you are devastated by sexual trauma then come and drink from the cool waters of peace and the feel the embrace of a loving and empathetic Savior.
I have scrambled and scraped to follow my Jesus.
Let me guide you and your loved ones with my story of hope and healing.
The book includes:
– How I was almost drowned in eight symptoms of bipolar depression and mania.
– My intense struggle with suicide and my messy victory over it.
– An inside look into my peculiar psychiatric hospital visits.
– A PG-rated description of the sexual traumas and how Jesus healed me.
– How my marriage suffered and almost fell apart because of my mental illness.
– My compassionate exploration of homosexuality in the light of the Bible and my relationship with God.
– Six ways I tackle temptation and four ways I charge my spiritual power source – Jesus Ninja style.
– Three therapies that worked for me and their report card grade.
– Three types of doctors that brought me back to health.
This is my story.