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Keto Diet for Beginners

Are you planning to start a new diet regime?
Is the keto diet the one you think you’ll stand the best chance with?
Do you need all-round help in getting started and maintaining your diet?

Dieting is hard work. The sad fact is that most diets fail, sometimes very quickly, because the dieter is not properly prepared for what is to come.
The ketogenic diet has become one of the best ways to lose weight in recent times and millions of people have now benefitted from its innovative approach.

Now, with Keto Diet for Beginners, you can understand more about this diet and how it can help you to lose weight, with chapters that include:
– An overview of the ketogenic diet
– Macronutrients and micronutrients
– How ketosis works
– Different types of ketogenic diets
– What to eat and what to avoid
– Common mistakes to avoid
– How you can lose 20 pounds in just 30 days
– Photos of recipes And much more…

Complete with an exciting 30-Day Keto Meal Plan, plus 77 easy recipes that will guarantee you’ll never get tired of the food you are eating, Keto Diet for Beginners will provide you with rapid weight loss that will stay lost.

January 2025