It’s the fall of 2003 and Perry Walsh is entering her freshman year of college. She quickly meets the handsome Ben Brown, a chance encounter that will forever alter the course of her life. As if navigating her connection with another human being isn’t hard enough, throw in the realities of campus living: a roommate with a promise ring, regrettable one-night stands, amateur drug deals, and the age-old question of whether or not to sixty-nine with a complete stranger.
From an outsider’s perspective, Perry is a party girl who is somewhat detached from reality and unconcerned with the consequences of her actions. But deep down Perry is slowly unraveling, battling a nagging feeling of emptiness even a picture perfect relationship cannot seem to fix. Confronted with mounting insecurities during her post-collegiate life in Manhattan, Perry realizes that her emotions may be manifesting into something more than she can handle. Unsure of where to turn, her inner struggle ultimately leads to a crossroads where she must choose to salvage her relationship or save herself.