The desire to know God is universal–we want to understand our connection. Have you ever hiked the high mountains, or explored the vast deserts of the American Southwest? Have you wandered inquisitively through a thick forest, or just sat down beside a rushing stream? Have you pondered the intricate design of a flower, or discovered the water canals in a single blade of grass? The greatest Artist in all the universe has created each of these things, and they know the Artist well. They can indeed teach you how deeply He cares for you as a human being.
You are about to embark on a most illuminating journey in the company of author Mark Stephen Taylor. A former California police officer educated in criminal psychology and geology, and who is now a Biblical teacher and counselor, Mark offers us unique insights into the profound attributes of God through His creation. He also enlightens us, with intense honesty, regarding who and what we are, and where we’re going. He helps us to understand our individual purpose in life. Through this award-winning autobiography he hikes us over a diversity of terrain, allowing us to make personal discoveries well beyond any expectation.
Hiking the Trail of Truth is the adventure of a lifetime. If you have what it takes to endure this journey it will be exceedingly well worth your time! Whoever you are, whether an artist, a scientist, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a preacher, an executive, an officer worker or a laborer of any kind–no matter what your calling in life, you will be both physically and spiritually nourished by this hike. Do you enjoy hiking? Well, what are you waiting for? C’mon along–let’s do it!