It all starts with a smudged print-out, which puts WESLEY LARKIN, a NASCAR-loving 7-year-old diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer on a collision course with an unlikely team of NASA nerds that accidentally leave microbrewery plans in a huge government proposal. The result is a heroic triumph of astronomical proportions!
GORDON MILLER gets caught up in a vortex of circumstance as he becomes the accidental program manager of a 3,000 person government program.
“So let me get this straight. You’re a rocket scientist, who runs a satellite program for NASA, who also works on race cars, starts charitable foundations, volunteers to keep score for the York River Tsunamis, and runs a brewery? Is there anything else you do?” asked Wendy, wanting to get her facts straight. “I write Haikus,” responded Gordon. “And the brewery part needs some caveats.”
The story takes place at NASA Langley Research Center and surrounding historical areas of Hampton Roads, Virginia. The quirky character crew has idiosyncrasies that include thinking in haiku poems, chiropractic dependencies, and time-travel obsession. Fighter jets from Langley Air Force Base and race cars at Langley Speedway frame the story as the plot dilemma becomes the rationalization and discovery of government funded beers used to help WESLEY fight for his life.