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Do You Want More?

Have you ever thought – “Wow, things just seem to work out better for some people? I wish I was more successful, happy, and content. I try so hard and for others, things just seem to fall into place effortlessly. Some people have all the luck, but not me, I just don’t have any luck.” It wouldn’t be surprising if you have, most of us have thought about this at some point, but there’s good news. Life is not about luck. You truly do have control over all aspects of your life.

With this book, you’ll discover just how powerful you are and how to utilize that power. Who you are at your core – the vibrational level, is the template of what you attract and once you learn how this works you will begin to recognize it in your everyday life.

With this book:
* You’ll learn how to raise and get your vibration up to attract abundance automatically & effortlessly.
* You’ll begin to see that you are the architect of everything that happens in your life.
* You’ll understand the central plank that determines the lot in a person’s life
* You’ll see that everything a person truly wants is already at their disposal – all you have to do is ask in the right way, and this book will show you how.

Most of us have trouble defining our purpose and therefore have even greater trouble figuring out what path to take to get to where we want to go. Many spend their entire lives trying to find their purpose, forgetting that this life is the purpose.
Our being and our purpose are one. Don’t take my word for it, but instead, find out for yourself.

Certain truths in life must be the fruit of your own labors and this is one of them. This book can only locate the starting point on the path towards understanding. Where you go, how you traverse, or whether you even decide to take it, is entirely up to you.

The starting point on this journey is to understand the true nature of you, your place in this universe, and how you relate to the universe and everything in it.

From personal experience and the experience of witnessing countless others who have taken this path, I can bear testament to the benefits of taking the trip. It is a journey of discovery along a path that varies for each person, yet shares the same destination.

Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. This book is that first step – it poses the questions, sets up the atmosphere, gives direction, and requires you to reflect on what needs to be illuminated within yourself.

Along the journey, and by the time you reach the end of this book, you will understand the central plank that determines the lot in a person’s life. You will begin to see that the enlightened person is the architect of his own edifice and that everything a person truly wants is already at his disposal. All he needs to do is ask, artfully.

Unfortunately, this is where most fail. The art of asking is one that is lost to most because we are so dependent on the prevalent form of communication these days – the use of words and audible sound. The oratory fallacy is that speaking is the most efficient means of communication, yet when we attempt to describe something magnificent in nature to another fellow human being, our words are found wanting. And yet we try harder, and harder to get our point across, and finally, we accept that it’s not working so we give up in frustration; all the while not knowing how close we came to understanding and mastering this great power. If only we had known that the power of our asking was in its vehicle of delivery, the antithesis of words and sound – silence.

Get it now & enjoy!

Sage Wilcox is a certified energy teacher. Ever since Sage has learned and put the Law of Attraction into practice, life just keeps getting better and better. Sage enjoys sharing learned experiences with clients & readers so that they too can reap the amazing benefits!

January 2025