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Falling for My Best Friend, Part 1

I was getting ready to turn eighteen and was looking forward to starting my senior year of high school. They say senior year is the best, but I wasn’t so sure. Lance Smith, a retired Pittsburgh Pirate, was the most overprotective man I’d ever met. He was also my dad. I was Sammie, his little tomboy baseball player. That was the only way he’d ever see me. My bedroom walls were still covered with scenes he’d painted before I was even born. A picture of him still hung on my wall. The words date, boyfriend, and college all sent him into a crazy speech about his little girl not growing up. He used to joke that I wouldn’t be able to date until I was thirty, but I was starting to think it wasn’t a joke.

I had one goal for the year. That goal was to go to prom. Every girl went to prom. It was the most important night of high school. My dad would surely have to let me go to that, right?

When my parents told me that James Reid was moving into our house, I wasn’t sure how I felt. They were so excited, especially my dad. James had finally agreed to sign on with the Pirates. He was a pitcher just like my dad. The thought of having him there to practice with had my dad jumping for joy. While I loved the game and played with him all the time, I’d never be a Pirate. Believe me, If I could, I would.

You’re probably wondering why James moving in would matter to me at all.

He’d never be around. He’d always be with his team. We’d never see each other.

James was three years and ten days older than me.

We’d spent hours and hours playing ball with our dads growing up.

Every time our families visited, we were together the entire time.

He was the one person that never judged me.

He was the one person that promised he’d always protect me and keep me safe.

He was my best friend, he just didn’t know it.

There was something else he didn’t know.

I’d had a crush on him since I was thirteen.

I would remember that moment forever, the moment that changed it all.

James kissed me. It wasn’t a big kiss. It was just a tiny moment where his lips touched mine. It was my first kiss.

It meant nothing to him, and we never mentioned it again.

Something about that tiny moment changed my life.

One year, I told myself.

I could get through one more year with the most overprotective father in the world.

I could get through one year with James Reid living on the other side of my bedroom wall.

In one year I’d be off at college and free of all the Pirates. Nothing was going to get in my way.

A Love for the Game Series Order:
1. Showing Him Who’s Boss Part 1,2,3
2. Playing Hardball Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
3. Falling for My Best Friend Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
4. Hacked by Love Part 1, 2, 3
5. Out of My League Part 1, 2, 3
6. Unbreakable Bond

This story contains content which is intended for readers over the age of 18.

March 2025