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Beautifully Destroyed

Life can take you by surprise, it can also put you through hell. My fate was never my own to deal with. It was ruined before I even had a chance. It was a rough start and it hasn’t gotten much better. Hiding behind the walls of my room is how I get through each day. Destroyed doesn’t even begin to describe the way my life has been.

Finally, I get away and things are looking up. Of course nothing can go right and some things are just too much to bear. In comes the one thing I can’t have. I’ve read so many books and I know the drill. Rock stars and musicians are not for me. I can’t hide when they are always in the light. Something about him makes me want to step into that light, though. He is constantly bring-ing me to new levels and places I could never imagine.
The secrets I’ve tried to keep to myself are breaking into my new life. Having him around is help-ing but the outside world ruins us as well. I either have to take the chance and let him in or push him away once and for all. Every time I pull away he is right back here pushing his way back in. He is relentless, he is everything I shouldn’t have. Those secrets I tried to keep hidden begin to surface, bringing havoc to our lives. The world so desperately wants to keep us apart and I might just let it to keep my secrets.

Do I sit back and let the world pass me by or do I finally let those wounds heal and have the life he thinks I deserve?

March 2025