This is the story of a 1960s Minnesota mother who struggles to keep up with three small children and housework. Barely able to cope, even with all the modern American conveniences, she panics when her husband begins to talk about becoming a missionary.
Nothing could have prepared Pat Stendal for learning how to be a missionary – with mule-riding lessons, sleeping in hammocks in the jungle, and traveling with sick children. A surprise new baby with special physical needs caused Pat to wonder how they would ever manage. Here she was in a new country, needing to learn an entirely new culture while facing overwhelming obstacles ¬¬– only to learn that the entire time God was simply showing her and her family that His grace is indeed sufficient. And was it ever – their family ministry has been blessed to see thousands of souls won for Christ, and hundreds of thousands of books and Bibles distributed.
About the Author
Patricia Stendal has four children, 15 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. She makes her home in Colombia, South America with her husband, Chad. Besides their work with the Kogi Indians, Chad and Pat help their oldest son, Russell, with his ministry to the Marxist guerrillas, right-wing auto-defense squads, and the Colombian military. Chad and Pat also spend part of each year in a speaking ministry in North America, and other parts of the world.
This Christian book is a great inspirational book for women, those who simply enjoy missionary biographies and inspirational stories, and even for those wanting to know how to be a missionary. We occasionally offer the Kindle version for free download, with the goal of blessing readers around the world as the author herself has been blessed.