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Tim Curious

It was the second year of the American Revolution. Tim Euston was willing to risk his life for his nation’s independence and his opportunity came when a murder led him into a dangerous involvement with smugglers and spies.

It was 1777, the end of the second year of the American War for Independence, and the town of Yonkers was at the south end of the Neutral Ground – the thirty-mile-wide no man’s land that separated the British on Manhattan Island from the Americans to the north.

On a cold January night, Tim Euston was thrown in jail – accused of robbery by the man who had his hands on Tim’s fourteen-year-old sister, Sadie. Two days later the only adult who could testify to Tim’s innocence was found dead from a blow to the head. The testimonies of Tim’s friends were enough to get him out of jail but the father of one of the boys was not so lucky. He was wrongly convicted for the death of Tim’s one adult witness.

Who was the real killer? Those with motives had alibis. And besides, there were many who just did not care. Both the man killed and the man punished had reputations for drinking and getting into trouble. But Tim Euston cared. These men were his friends. Tim wanted justice and he would keep looking until the real killer was identified.

October 2024