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The Universal Spiritual Way

How do you fill your spiritual hunger when so many churches and groups are empty?

How can you find the spiritual food that will inspire and transform you? With an increasingly diverse and challenging world, how can we unify humankind for a safe and flourishing future?

Based on over 35 years of spiritual study and living, The Universal Spiritual Way gives you clear, practical answers independent of any religion, race, or country. It’s a vision for the modern global world, not the ancient tribal landscape.

It’s a vision of God and life for you.

Spiritual author and speaker, Christopher Lepine, gives the essentials for rebirth that each of us, and the world, needs. He’s explored the urgent questions of life and distilled a spiritual approach that works in the integrated, technologically-advanced world—not merely ancient history.

The old religions and divisions are not working. Primitive beliefs, rules, and loyalties have pushed us into pain and confusion and to the brink of disaster. We cannot go on this way. We need to reconnect with the God within and work together for a better world for ourselves and our children—all around the planet.

The Universal Spiritual Way not only gives the answers, but empowers you with the facts about the spiritual life, as well as the fundamental, universal spiritual truths from East and West. Discover the joy of your spiritual gifts and the power to transform the world.

Order a copy now and find your new life.

March 2025