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Real Talk With God: How to Get Your Head Out of the Ditch of Despair

Real Talk With God: How to Get Your Head Out of the Ditch of Despair

“I feel completely alone. My life seems utterly worthless. What purpose do I have in staying on this planet?” After a long drive and hours of emotional disorientation, Lisa Dodge Pinkham found herself completely consumed by these thoughts. Her car may have still been on the road, but her brain was stuck in a ditch.

Those of us who can relate to these thoughts don’t have to suffer in hopeless despair, and we don’t have to stay home, anxious and afraid. As Lisa discovered, we can venture out and experience life like an exhilarating road trip. We can even sense God sitting beside us in the car reminiscing about our lives and strengthening us with courage, validation and hope.

In Real Talk With God: How to Get Your Head Out of the Ditch of Despair, Lisa invites you to hop in the backseat and listen in on her personal dialogue with God as she tackles difficult subjects such as spiritual confusion and abuse, strained relationships, negative thinking, transitions and loss.

Lisa’s conversations are formatted to prevent triggering from traumas and promote recovery, empathy and resourceful thinking. She writes in a language that is accessible to any reader, translating terms from neuroscience, psychology, and theology into metaphors, phrases, and practices of everyday life.

Honest and enlightening, these intimate interactions between Lisa and her Creator show you how to access your emotions and build resilience. Lisa’s recollections reveal that daily talks with a God who loves us all are both possible and transformative.

Still deciding what you believe about God? Welcome to the club. Perhaps you will find inspiration here.

September 2024