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Paradise Regained

Set in 2042, Paradise Regained, the prequel to Paradise Lost, follows the series of events that ensue after a scientist on the moon, John, makes a discovery of alien technology blueprints, left behind thousands of years ago. He realizes that if these machines are built, they could solve countless problems but the sticking point is that he signed a security oath with the United States government which is funding his dig. Legally, anything of any scientific value or consequence becomes the property of the US government, to be relinquished on demand. John feels he has a moral or ethical dilemma here, because he can’t trust the government to do the right thing and make sure all nations of the Earth equally share in the new technology.

The story is told from the point of view of the twenty-four-year-old National Security Agency cryptography technician who is assigned to the hastily-arranged space shuttle launch as their Communication Mission Specialist. Carolyn is initially very excited about the trip but has increasing suspicions and doubts the more she finds out about the specifics of the situation.
Once the shuttle Lexington reaches the Aristarchus Base Camp, Carolyn falls for John and proceeds to hijack the shuttle while marooning the balance of the crew on the moon. Upon return to Earth’s orbit, she must make a decision about where to land the shuttle.

September 2024