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Energy Healing Made Simple Om Kitty’s 8 Day Chakra Activation Journey

What is this Mystic Cat’s Secret Chakra Process and why is everyone in love with OM Kitty?

Find out this Wise & Witty Kitty’s secret process to Energy Healing and why it is the number one game-changer to heal your body, mind, and soul at the atomic level.

Are you struggling because something deep inside is calling you to explore new things, like Energy Healing, Chakra Balancing, Reiki and other paths to alternative healing and spiritual growth? But your mind – your inner critic is saying NO!

Do, you worry others will disapprove of ‘all this woo-woo.’

What if you could learn to stop worrying what other people think and discovered Energy Healing may cause miracles?

What if you could learn a simple and fun step-by-step process so easy it only takes 10 minutes a day for 8 short days?

In this book you will learn how to:
– Use this simple energy healing process, the easiest method for baby-stepping into your happiest life.
– Fine-tune your ‘frequency’ and raise your energy vibration ushering in a deeper level of peace, serenity, and joy.
– Let energy healing be a golden thread pulling you home, to your essential, whole self.
– Learn how you can stop worrying what others and why their opinions don’t matter!

OM Kitty is a wise and witty guide and mystic who will take you on this chakra activation and healing journey making you feel comfortable, cozy and wanting to learn more.

Welcome to the World of OM Kitty and Spiritual Awakening With a Twist and The OM Kitty Book Series.

January 2025