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Tempting Fate

Mid-Summer 1878: Colorado Territory

This historically inspired Western romance much-loved series is about empowered women who turn around their hopeless circumstances in this mid-19th-century tale of the old West, with strong faith and discover genuine men and true love.

Hilda Mannheim is a young German immigrant looking for a better life after tragedy leaves her alone and adrift in her native Berlin. She arrives in New York City with hopes and dreams of a future in America. Unfortunately, fate conspires against her and she’s forced to consider the unthinkable. She replies to an ad for a mail-order bride placed by trapper-guide Hunter Stone, seeking a bride to travel west with him as part of a small wagon party. It’s only after she arrives in Milwaukee that Hilda realizes that marrying Hunter is only the first of more challenges she must face after marrying a half-breed Indian during a time when Indian-white conflicts are still fresh in the memory of her fellow travelers.

How does Hilda confront the prejudice against her and her new husband?

Has she tempted fate one too many times?

Will Hunter be her dream come true or will she me meeting her maker soon?

Join the wagon train heading west across the Plains as Hunter and Hilda confront challenges, obstacles and bigotry every mile along the way. Discover and revel in Hilda’s zest for adventure and depth of faith. Meet Hunter and delve into his deeply ingrained heritage. Get to know other members of the wagon train including outspoken Ned Casey and his wife Lucy, young widow Martha and her two young children, and the obstinate and often disagreeable wagon master, Daniel Olsen. Will the travelers pull together during their journey or allow deeply ingrained bias to tear them apart?

September 2024