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He Always Had a Story

Enjoy the many short stories of a very active and creative person’s adventures and experiences. You will dip into the rural and small town life of the Mid-South, travel through sometimes embarrassing high school and college life, join an Army lieutenant in Korea at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis followed by a career with IBM plus consulting and teaching, and see America through his eyes.

Stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end; well sometimes they have an ending. Stories have been used to inform, influence, encourage, entertain, and even to threaten. I have been transported through both time and space by listening to stories told by the generations that came before me.

Am I a Story Teller, a Jokester, a Prevaricator, a Purveyor of Myths, or what? Well, I have told my share of jokes, I have probably told a few lies in my lifetime, and perhaps I have helped in the perpetuation of myths, but I have also been a fairly good story teller. It is in that vein that I have launched this effort to record a number of the stories of my life and times.

The earliest of these stories from the early Twentieth Century are about my grandparents, but most of them begin a couple of decades later; stories of my active childhood, animals, friends, dates, and adventures.

There are high school, college, Scouting, Army, and career experiences. The final chapter is about our Russian daughter who inspired me to write this book. I trust that you will enjoy this trip through my life.

January 2025