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IN Doubt

What does the face of evil look like?

Ivy has a calling. Protect those who can’t protect themselves.

An adorable little girl. A shamed woman stashed away in a mental institution. Even her dear friend. But what force can stop an egomaniac hell-bent on revenge?

A monster returns and lives are shattered. The suspicion of guilt shrouds everyone.

With her world caving in around her, can Ivy ever stop looking over her shoulder?

Get IN Doubt now!

Redemption Thriller Series
Alex Troutt Thrillers:
AT Bay – RTS #1
AT Large – RTS #2
AT Once – RTS #3
AT Dawn – RTS #4
AT Dusk – RTS #5
AT Last – RTS #6

Ivy Nash Thrillers:
IN Defiance – RTS #7
IN Pursuit – RTS #8
IN Doubt – RTS #9
Break IN – RTS #10
IN Control – RTS #11
IN The End – book 12

Ozzie Novak Thrillers:
ON Edge – RTS #13
Game ON – RTS #14
ON The Rocks – RTS #15
Shame ON You – RTS #16
ON Fire – RTS #17
ON The Run – RTS #18

Alex Troutt Thrillers:
AT Stake – RTS #19
AT Any Cost – RTS #20
Back AT You – RTS #21
AT Every Turn – RTS #22
AT Death’s Door – RTS #23
AT Full Tilt – RTS #24

The Scoop
By now you’re probably aware that the Alex Troutt thrillers, Ivy Nash thrillers, and the Ozzie Novak thrillers are all under the same Redemption Thriller Series umbrella. Why? Because, ultimately, they all connect — Alex, Ivy, Ozzie. How? That’s part of the mystery that I’m slowly unveiling throughout the Redemption Thriller Series.

Through each sub-series, characters from different books appear in the other novels. If it adds suspense, intrigue, or even a good laugh, I’ve included a cross-over character — it’s a lot more fun that way. Plus — and here’s the real kicker — the final six novels will bring all of the major characters together — Alex, Ivy, Ozzie. It will be explosive and gut-wrenching…in a way that will leave you breathless.

September 2024